Copywriting & Content

Words are the content of your marketing. Hiring a professional to write those words will make your marketing stronger.

John Walker

Professional Copywriting Services

J. Walker Marketing offers professional copywriting services for marketing campaigns because strong copy is what makes strong marketing. And further, words are just a reflection of ideas so you’ll get those too- marketing ideas that power campaigns.

Of course marketing campaigns are delivered as videos and banners and audio clips and emails, but behind all of those are ideas and the words that describe them. So that’s what professional copywriting gives you- strong ideas and clear messages that engage and persuade your audience.

Copywriting for Marketing Projects

J. Walker Marketing has experience writing all of these:

  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Campaign Landing Pages
  • Social Media Posts
  • Digital Ads
  • Video Treatments
  • Video Scripts
  • Podcast Discussion Guides
  • Brochures
  • Emails
  • Articles
  • Paid Social Ads

Why Hire J. Walker Marketing for Copywriting?

  1. Writing copy for your own company is like giving yourself a haircut― you just don’t have enough outside perspective. Using a professional copywriter enables you to communicate in a way that your audience can relate to.
  2. J. Walker Marketing understands how marketing copy fits within digital marketing because we’re digital marketers. We get SEO, lead generation, conversions and how the right marketing copy strengthens these efforts.
  3. We write for your target audience so you get copy that connects with them, creates intrigue and makes them want to take action.
  4. You get high quality delivered expeditiously. Get it off some overworked team member’s to-do list and get it done!

What's the Secret Sauce of Our Copywriting?

Here’s how we approach writing copy for your marketing projects.

1. Know Your Audience

To connect, we have to know who we’re talking to. And we’ll do the work to understand your audience and what they need and want.

2. Tell Your Unique Story:

Your business is as unique as you are. We’ll find those special features and bring them to life and connect them with your audiences’ aspirations.

3. Be Persuasive:

Statistics and social proof points are chocolate chips in the writing cookie- they’re the best part because they're what persuades.

And we do the other things well too like creating urgency, using calls-to-action, and emphasizing benefits over features.

What About A.I.?

J. Walker Marketing uses A.I. for topic research, for thought-starters, to refine drafts, and to do research. But we don’t leave the work of thinking and strategizing to A.I.; we do that work ourselves based on decades of marketing experience. We’re always going to look for ways to work more efficiently, but we’re never going to outsource thinking and imagination. That’s why you’re hiring us and that’s our value.

Reach Your Marketing Goals
Let's work together to create a digital marketing strategy that drives real results for your business.
Contact John

J. Walker by the numbers




Yearly Traffic
(Client Websites)


Traffic Increase
from SEO


Client Project

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